
Talk calmly and confidently to your child

Explain what will occur in the centre – new friends and exciting activities such as playing with different toys, painting, music and games.

Be positive! Your child is more likely to be positive if you are positive.

Please take advantage of our orientation process and bring your child to the centre for short visits before their start date.

Could you drive past the centre and point it out?

Involve your child in choosing their bag, drink bottle or sheets so they can recognise it and feel involved.

On the day

Arrive early. Your child is more likely to settle if unhurried

Ensure your child’s bag contains a water bottle, a change of clothing, and comfort items such as pacifiers and soft toys. Remember to label them clearly.

Try bringing your child without siblings to make settling your child easier. Of course, siblings are more than welcome once your child has settled.

When it is time to leave, could you do so quickly? Our staff will help you settle your child into an activity. Say goodbye to your child, then go. Even when a child understands that you will be coming back, the moment of parting can still be sad.

Be certain to say goodbye. Use phrases such as ‘I’m going now’ and ‘I will be back after rest time’. Smile. Children take their social clues from their parents. If a parent appears happy and confident in the centre environment, the child will too. Saying goodbye develops a secure and trusting relationship between you and your child. Even if your child is distressed, leaving without a farewell breaks trust.


Could you talk about your child’s day on the way home?

Read the written communication about your child’s day (e.g. food and drink, nappy change and sleep charts)

Gather information from the educators about the activities your child enjoyed and any new friends your child has made.

Please ensure you have collected your child’s bag and contents, especially comfort items.

You can display your child’s arts and crafts at home to generate conversation points with your child.

Could you note all upcoming centre visits and activity days and try to attend if possible?

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